Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Story of "Now What?"

This is the story of how I came to write Now What? A Patient's Guide to Recovery After Mastectomy.  I wrote this piece for the 'What Survivors Know' section of the Support Connection Fall 2011 Newsletter.  Support Connection provides counseling and support services to women who have been diagnosed with breast or ovarian cancer.  They are a phenomenal organization made up of very caring women; they offer peer counseling and a nationwide toll free support hotline.

During January of 2011 I found myself home with the kids for what turned out to be many... many snow days.  Some weeks we would only have two days of school in a week! It was an unusual winter, the likes of which we haven't experienced in our previous years here in New York. Between shoveling the driveway, sipping cups of cocoa, snuggling in the bed watching movies on demand (and trying to pretend like I'm not really in it for the nap), I had the idea to start work on a brochure about mastectomy recovery. Of course that "brochure" later became a book.  And so it goes...check it out, page 7.

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